Implementation of public control over the quality of feed produced in Russia, providing Russian producers with any possible assistance to improve and maintain product quality standards.
Establishment of permanent contacts with foreign veterinary departments of those countries, the interest in the products of which is especially great among Russian importers.
Participation in foreign exhibitions to represent and promote the interests of those members of the association who could not participate in person.
Statement of own legislative initiatives in the interests of the pet industry.
Interaction with similar associations in other countries to help Russian importers.
Control over the lack of shortage in the market of veterinary drugs.
Participation in working groups of specialized committees of the State Duma of the Russian Federation on legislative issues related to the pet industry.
Creation of the image of the Russian zoo business in accordance with the most modern standards and quality, which should potentially improve cooperation with foreign partners, as well as contribute to the overall level of prestige of the country.
Creation of advanced training courses in all areas of the pet industry and veterinary medicine by the support of the Association.
Organization of corporate events aimed at a closer acquaintance of participants and members to establish friendly ties that help to find mutual understanding easier.