«United voice, united interests, overall success!»
The Benefits of Joining
The Benefits of Joining an Association
Participation in the formation of the global representation of the industry
By joining the Association, you are participating in the formation of a single industry cluster, the interests of which can be represented more weightily and authoritatively, as on behalf of an integral monolithic business and economic block.
Legal support
Each member of the Association has the opportunity to interact with our staff of qualified lawyers for legal assistance, including on issues related to changes in applicable laws and regulations.
One Community
All participants become members of a close-knit community of professionals in related fields.
Informing and advising
Consulting support to the members of the association and timely informing them about important news and innovations in the relevant areas.
© National Association of the Pet, 2022
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Moscow, Iskra street, 17, building 3